Sunday, June 19, 2011


Father's Day

For years I was estranged from my father. Not because I got angry with him and decided to shut him out but because I was a pawn between two persons whose love had died. At times I felt angry at him, angry that he could so easily walk out my life. Wasn't I worth fighting for? How could he not know his little girl needed him? Although my memories of him had diminished my child heart longed for the safety and security that a father offered. Then one day he was there and my little heart exploded. My daddy had come back. He couldn't stay away any longer, he had missed his baby girl.

Given that my childhood was nomadic involving migration I missed out on a lot of memory making. However, he was always the affectionate parent,given to the hugs and cuddles that I couldn't seem to get enough of. For the first time I understood where I had gotten that loving nature. Apart from being his mirror image over the years I saw more of me in him, the simple, uncomplicated approach to life, the love of nature, the reclusive side that so many miscast as aloofness or snobbishness. Yes I am my father's daughter in so many respects.

There is nothing left to say but thanks for the love and support even when obstacles were put in your way. We may not always see eye to eye and truth be told at times you drive me up a wall. I guess I do too and would have disappointed you many a time. However I think it is fair to say that we have grown to respect our differences. Happy Father's day and if I have learnt one thing from you it is that forgiveness is a beautiful thing.

very very nice!
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