Monday, December 18, 2006


Serenading time

Last night as I sat watching 60 Minutes I heard outside;

Good evening to the Master and Mistress of this house.
We have come to fill your house with Christmas cheer.
I will now turn to my melodious choir...Choir!

The choir was far from melodious but I couldn't believe I was hearing right. Serenading,"singing out or "house to house" as we called it only happened when I was a child.Even then the tradition was on its way out. I looked outside and saw a group of neighbourhood boys and girls,clearly disorganised but having fun.

Anyway, it brought back memories of childhood Christmases when groups would show up unannounced at your home and lustily sing carols and hymns.The speechmaker was the man of the moment with his fluent and humorous lines. After singing the carollers would be rewarded with money or food and drink. Those were the days that unfortunately are now long gone.

Encouraged by the "carollers" and wanting to shake off the gloomy feeling I went to check out the Nine Mornings activity. I know it's probably hard for non Vincentians to understand why we leave our warm beds in the early morning hours to attend the festivities.But,it's so ingrained and an integral part of the celebrations that no one even notices the early hours.Kudos to the Ministry of Tourism for reviving the festival which seemed a few years ago to have lost its way.Am thinking I just may head back to Kingstown tomorrow morning

De carollers sound luvly. Give dem food -- at least they're earnin' it, unlike de trick-or-treaters who get supper without singin' for it:)
Sounds wonderful. I love the fact that they were 'disorganised'. Oddly enuff, my sistren had suggested that we go caoling the odda night, and I did laugh her to scorn. But, I like when other people do it. Feed them and give them drink, yes.
So what you feed them?
Yes, good memories of growing up in the Caribbean, at lest you still get to experience them. Such a concept is lost here in the US..lorde forbit yuh coming singing any politically incorrect song at de people front door.
They got some money..Mo food in my house:)
Wow. You've got carollers over there in St. Vincent! Cool!
wishing you the best for the holidays and the New Year.
People actually do that in the Caribbean! Damn, if they tried that here they probably would get a fine piece a cussin in some areas. LOL!
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