Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Give Thanks

Last week was my week of visiting doctors so you know I was definitely not in the best of moods. It was a case of when it rains it pours ( the story of my life) but somebody reminded me I have a lot to be thankful for still. That was a very timely reminder because we sometimes focus on what is wrong and we forget what is right.So look for the bright spots in life and emphasise them no matter how simple they seem.

Can you see, hear or speak? Do you have a job? Do you have clothes to wear? Is there someone who is gonna love you no matter what you have done? Is there someone you can turn to for help if you need it? Can you walk and dress yourself? Do you have a home and a bed to sleep on? Can you breathe freely? Do you have friends to laugh with?

Give thanks for every yes and remember that things could be a lot worse.

quite true and remember no matter how bad it is things could be worse
What if someone has only "no's" :(
There must be a yes in there:)
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